Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Remembrance Day

November 11th is a day to stop and remember that we live in a free country because others were willing -- and are still willing -- to protect and preserve our way of life. Thousands of men left families, friends and loved ones behind. Many didn't return; some returned injured in ways from which they never recovered. We thank them for their service in Europe, Korea, the Pacific and North Africa.

Today, young men and women stand on the wall that protects us from terrorists who would do us harm. We thank them for their service around the world.

There are also those who stand as peacekeepers, giving democracy and freedom a chance to grow. We thank them.

Take a moment today to say thank you to someone who keeps our country safe and free...today and yesterday.


Miralee Ferrell said...

What a wonderful thought. My son served in the Marines in Iraq, so I'm doubly proud and grateful.

It was SO nice to have you drop by my blog! I owe you a long catch up letter...I'm on the final leg of polishing my Jeena ms and will have a full month with no edits or revisions and plan on taking time for myself...and of course, moving back to our house, LOL! I'll be in touch. Oh...and Cat sent the wrong items, so your Black Cherry is coming next Friday. I'll get your box off to you after it arrives!


Morgan Mandel said...

Thank God some people have the guts to protect the rest of us.

Morgan Mandel